Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Three things...before I go

I know it has been absolutely eons since I blogged. For now my Twilight obsession has ebbed and I’ve been filling my days with holiday prep and some mad knitting and crocheting. Here are the top 3 things on my mind right now.
  1. Great Deals!!! Select classes are 50% off at JoAnn Fabrics right now. I’m taking the Knit Stitch Sampler Scarf class. It’s 2 evenings for 2 hours and usually costs $55. I’m thrilled. You’re welcome to join me. I’d love some company.
  2. New Mascara!!! It was time for some new mascara and Rimmel had something that was muy interestante. It’s Rimmel Glam Eyes and I love it.
  3. Kabuki brushes!!! The bristles fell out of my Bare Minerals kabuki brush about a week ago. I asked Sean to glue it for me. Sadly, he got epoxy all over the bristles. While it was still usable, it wasn't pleasant. I was hesitant to pay $28 for another kabuki from Bare Minerals. Lo and behold, Kate just happened to see a kabuki brush made by ecotools in a recent Oprah mag that was available at Walgreens. We hunted down a Walgreens and while they didn't have the ecotools brush, they had another brand of kabuki brush on clearance. I figured at $6.49, even if it didn't work like my original brush, I wouldn't be out much. It works just as good (I thought I remembered something about their brushes being specially designed for BM makeup). I don't know if Kate & I were the only ones who didn't know kabuki brushes must be fairly common but go figure!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Two days till Twilight!

I’m not a big movie fan. This past summer Sean & I saw our very first movie in the theatre together. As in we had never been to a movie theatre together. I can’t remember the last movie I saw in a theatre before that. It might have been the third Matrix movie.
It’s not that we don’t like movies. We can just think of a lot of other, more preferable ways to spend $20 – like for GAS to go visit our friends family who are strewn all over this state (and hopefully the ones outside this state too). And it’s so much more comfortable to just pay $4.95 for pay-per-view movies at home.
So given all this, it’s slightly out of character for me to buy ADVANCE tickets to a MIDNIGHT showing of a movie AND take the day after off work to go see said movie.
If you’ve talked to me, read my blogs or even my MySpace/Facebook status in the past month, then you may have heard about current unhealthy obsession with Twilight. That is what has brought me out of my unintentional movie boycott to not only see a midnight show, but to also buy a SECOND ticket to see this movie with a group of Twilighters (or Twi-hards, whatever you prefer) after the Twilight party I’m attending at TWILIGHT on Friday.
As the day draws nearer, the anticipation only increases. At first, I wasn’t even sure I was going to see the movie. Movies so rarely live up to the story as you’ve created it in your mind. And the first time I saw a promo photo of the cast, I was devastated by their choice for who would play my beloved Edward. That pretty much set me against the movie. But I couldn’t stay away from the websites and the hype. Looking back at those first photos I saw, they should fire the photographer as well as the stylist who did that ill-fated shoot. I couldn’t have DREAMT of a better person to play Edward than Rob Pattinson.
So it is with bated breath that I await Friday morning at 12:01 a.m. Until then, I’ll prepare myself for the fact that, despite their best intents to stay true to the Twilight story, it just won’t be the same. But I’m sure it will be AWESOME.