Monday night I was lying there awake in the middle of the night with my hand on my stomach...and I felt something move! I wouldn't have felt it if my hand hadn't been on my stomach - it was so subtle. I know I'm only 11 weeks but I know it wasn't anything that normally goes on in my body.
The next day I told Kate about my middle of the night experience and she thought I might’ve been feeling GAS. I told her I’ve never felt gas on the outside with my HAND. This was her response:
I was just discussing this with n8 and he said sure she can feel it, its like 2 tadpoles swimming around...LOL and then he said he has felt poop smaller than that. LMAO
After some research I did find out that many twin moms feel movement even before 16 weeks. Craziness!
I've read that too for twins...same with second time mom's. Congrats! :)
I felt my first movement just before 15 weeks...the best movement for me was around 25-28 weeks, which for you will probably be a little earlier since yours are twins. Now I'm into the feet in the ribs and the uncomfortable feeling of him sticking his butt out as far as it can go. lol
Hope you are feeling well and are getting enough rest! I found that 7-Up and jolly ranchers worked great for my nausea. I couldn't drink water until I started taking nausea medicine, it made it 100x worse.
Yay! I'm sure the two of them are in there bumping around, wrestling, and planning their escape. All that activity is bound to cause a ruckus!
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