Today is 35 weeks! I had another NST today. Baby boy’s heart rate dropped down to 102 at one point so the dr. had them put me back on for 10 minutes. I wasn’t worried because they move around so much it’s not unusual to see drops like that. I guess they were just being on the safe side which is fine with me. He was SUPER active the second time around. I guess he just didn’t want to wake up the first time around. I also had a few contractions today. I’m glad I had some while attached to the monitor because I never would’ve guessed that what I was feeling was a contraction. I’ve been feeling that particular sensation here and there for a while and just assumed it was someone pushing outward.
I have been looking for an “old lady nightgown” or “mu-mu” that buttons down the front. They’re much harder to find than one might think! I mean, where do old ladies shop these days? I had looked a couple Wal-marts, Kohls, and online at Penney’s with no luck (I don’t have the endurance to hit the mall). After seeing a post on about a girl who’d bought a mu-mu at Kmart I decided to try there. Jackpot! So for anyone looking for a mu-mu, don’t forget about your local Kmart.
One week (from tomorrow) till the New Moon soundtrack. I always enjoy having things to look forward to. Not that I don’t have something HUGE to look forward to right now, but I don’t really know WHEN that’s going to happen and I don’t want to distracted by WHEN or hoping for SOONER. So for now, I’ll focus on the New Moon soundtrack. I’m really excited about the soundtrack – it’s all original, previously unreleased music. I’ve already seen the video for Meet Me on the Equinox by Death Cab for Cutie. I like the song and I LVOE that they show tons of footage from the movie! After the soundtrack comes out, I’ll have the Nov 20 movie release to keep my mind distracted (that, and a serious lack of sleep).
I had a co-worker tell me today that I’m doing really good with this whole pregnancy thing. I asked him what he meant by that. He said that when he first found out I was pregnant he wasn’t sure how I’d handle that. I said, “Did you think I’d be a wimp about it?” Right about now I’m feeling like a wimp. I’m tired of being sleep deprived. I tired of the pain when trying to sleep. I’m tired of getting winded walking to the bathroom. And I’m tired of my heavy belly. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad the babies are still baking and I’m SUPER thankful that I’m still mobile and able to work. But I’m TIRED!
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