Saturday, October 17, 2009

Use Google Reader to read my new blog posts!

Google has a great tool for you to follow blogs right on your homepage. Set this bad boy up and you’ll know I’ve posted a new blog as soon as it’s up!

It’s called Google Reader and setting it up is super easy. On your homepage, click on Reader near the top-left of the page. If it’s not showing, go to More first. Once you’re in Reader, just click on Add a Subscription and paste the web address of the blog you want to follow in the window that pops up. Google Reader can do a lot more than that but you can figure out the rest on your own.

To add your new Google Reader to your Google homepage, go into Reader and click on Settings (top right). On the next screen, select Goodies and then click the icon under Add Reader to iGoogle. Once it’s added to your homepage you can also move it around on your homepage. Voila!

Now you’re all set and won’t ever miss a new and exciting blog post!


Barb said...

That's how I read on my phone. It makes reading sooo much faster because you don't have to wait for pages to load.

I use the built-in Google Reader on my Blogger dashboard to access the blogs I follow on my computer.

summerific said...

Barbara - I had no doubt you were on it....the rest of my readers? Not so much :)