Friday, September 18, 2009

September 17 Growth Scan

We had a growth scan yesterday (32w3d). Baby boy is 4 lbs and transverse (sideways) but his head is down lower than his body so he’s on his way to the proper position! And baby girl is 3 lbs 12 oz and is already in the proper position (vertex). Yay for her! She better stay that way.

My visit with the doctor was today (paying $3 for parking per visit adds up so I won’t be letting them split my visits up anymore). The nurse told me that I looked “fabulous” when she walked in. I don’t know if she tells all patients that to make them feel better but I’ll take the compliment. Starting next week I go every Monday for a non-stress test where they monitor their heartbeats for 20 minutes. The next growth scan is in 4 weeks. These are getting extremely uncomfortable for me. The babies are VERY low so I practically have to be lying flat which is NOT pleasant.

This past Wednesday was our second night of childbirth prep classes. We had our tour of the maternity unit and then learned about relaxation techniques. I sleep in one hour stretches through the night and never actually feel rested. So when she told us to get comfy (either on couches or in bean bags), I told Sean to wake me if I started snoring. He had to wake me twice. I just couldn’t stay awake with the dimmed lights, soothing music and the instructor walking us through guided imagery exercises. I don’t think I heard a word she said. After a while I was just focusing on staying awake so I wouldn’t snore.

It’s getting to be time to buy a 2010 planner (I thought about this today b/c I made a dentist appt for March). I was thinking about how every year I search and search for the perfect planner but never find what I’m looking for. Maybe that’s my life’s calling – to design the perfect planner. I mean who needs those pages with the area codes, time zones, and metric weights and measurements anyway?

From Twins

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Baby Shower #2 - Columbus, Ohio

We were very fortunate to have several friends (and parents) throw us babies showers. The second leg of our Kovacs Twins Tour 2009 took us to Columbus, Ohio, on August 23 for a shower hosted by Aunt Kate and good friend Angie! The theme was Thing 1 and Thing 2! Instead of cards, guests were asked to bring a book to contribute to the twins’ ever-growing library. We got a lot of great books as well as many much-needed gifts.

It was really nice to see all our Columbus friends plus a handful of other people who drove several hours to attend. Thank you to everyone!!!

Green cleaning/Diaper bag update

Lots of excitement around here! Over the weekend I made our first batch of homemade laundry soap and used it for all the laundry. We still have some dryer sheets so I plan to finish those off before using anything “green.” I don’t know if I’m partial but I really thought the laundry smelled extra fresh. We have an issue with washcloths and towels tending to smell musty. When this happens, I soak them in the washer in hot water and straight white vinegar and then wash with more white vinegar in the fabric softener thingamajig. I’m curious to see how the homemade detergent handles the towels and washcloths since it has Borax and Arm and Hammer Washing Soda.

As we finish off our other cleaning products I’ll be gradually switching to greener options. Some of which will be homemade. I’ll keep you all posted on how that works out.

The diaper bag came yesterday and I must say that it wasn’t as horribly enormous as I thought it was going to be. It’s definitely a manageable size. I haven’t done a trial packing yet to see how it works but it seems like it should fit everything nicely. It also seems sturdy and well-made which is always something you look for when you spend a lot of money on something! The one thing I was surprised about was that it didn’t even come with a tag of a diagram showing how to use the bag or explaining what the many specialized compartments are for (like I included in my last blog post). No need to fear though, we figured it out!

Some of you may have noticed the new blog template that isn’t quite working out. One of these days I’m going to either figure out to fix the template or find one that works properly. I’m kind of bummed though because I really liked this one.