Tuesday, June 30, 2009

An apple with a stem and one without!

We had our anatomy ultrasound on June 19. They did baby A first… and we found out it was a BOY. They measured a million things and he’s doing great. He was very active and squirmed all over the place. But fortunately, we got a nice clear view of the money shot.

Then they moved on to baby B. After they got done measuring a million things, we found out it was GIRL! We were thrilled to find out we were getting one of each. The tech had a hard time getting a good view of baby B’s face because baby A’s foot kept coming into the picture. To which I said, “Quit kicking your sister!” And it probably won’t be the last time I say that!

Both babies weighed 7 oz and both had a heart rate of 148. That’s the first time that both their heart rates were the same.

Calling everyone to tell them what we were having was almost as fun as telling everyone we were having twins. It’s still kind of hard to believe that the McWilliams family is going to have a boy! I wonder if Dad will know what to do?

From Twins

From Twins

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